A cigar collection above the rest, our humidor serves the tastes of cigar aficionados, for both the experienced and beginners.
Join us for a cigar...and stay for the smoke.
Our local cigar club is popping and we want to educate you with the finest cigars around town. Come by and allow our staff to educate you with the cigar wrapper, and their aroma.
We all need a place to relax after work, so why not do it with friends and comrades? Join us for Happy Hour every weekday
from 5pm-7pm!
Padron Cigars are hand made in their facility in Nicaragua where every step of the manufacturing process, from the selection and cultivation of Cuban-seed tobaccos to the rolling and final inspection of every cigar
My Father Cigars are patiently blended by legendary cigar-maker, Jose 'Pepin' Garcia in Estelí, Nicaragua from the finest, handcrafted premium tobaccos.
Each Davidoff cigar has its own unique flavor. Masterfully crafted blends for every palate – from light to delicate aromas, to rich, dark, and creamy aftertastes.
A legend in the modern era of premium handmade cigars, A.J. Fernandez has created some of the highest-rated and most sought after smokes in the industry today. From his renowned factory in Nicaragua, A.J. procures the very best tobaccos and rolls them in small batches to assure that each one is made to perfection.
La Flor Dominicana has become one of the most sought after cigars on the market today. LFD Cigars come in many different blends that cigar connoisseurs and new smokers alike can appreciate.
Arturo Fuente cigars are known the world over for their excellence, because no one cultivates cigar filler and wrapper tobacco more scrupulously than Fuente.
Ashton cigars use only the finest, aged Dominican tobaccos to produce high-quality blend. Ashton cigars are world-renowned classics synonymous with unparalleled quality, consistency and exquisite flavor.
Cohiba Dominican cigars are medium-bodied handmade that boast a smooth, flavorful taste you won't soon forget. Cigar aficionados can expect subtle notes of spice followed by more pronounced aromas of leather, caramel, wood and earth.
CAO cigars are the cornerstone for consistently superb quality and construction while never failing to impress cigar lovers. These Nicaraguan cigars offer a full spectrum of tastes and flavors.
With a prestigious history, H Upmann Cigars brings a taste of excellence of tradition. Top-selling blends out of the Dominican Republic, each cigar is unique and flavorful.
La Gloria Cubana's are known for their rich chocolate and leather flavors, with a cedary finish. The La Gloria Cubana cigar has become the cigar of choice for cigar smokers who appreciate a richer, fuller bodied smoke.
La Aroma de Cuba blends the finest, aged Nicaraguan tobaccos, providing a consistent medium-bodied profile.
The Tatuaje Classic is medium to full-bodied in flavor. The cigar smoker cn expect a satisfyingly tasteful without being overly complex, despite its rich, earthy and spicy combination of flavors.
Romeo y Julieta handmade cigars boast an impeccable medium-bodied blend of oak and coffee flavors that produce an enchanting aroma. A legacy of extraordinary flavor, construction, and consistency for the brand, Romeo y Julieta is a premier cigar amonst others.
Partagas cigars are made with rich blends of tobaccos contributing to its mark of deep, strong, earthy flavor. You can enjoy the kind of smoking pleasure rarely found outside of Cuba itself.
Handmade in Nicaragua, Oliva has something for every smoker out there. Each leaf in each recipe is of the utmost quality, and every recipe is designed for the serious smoker who wants nothing less than carefully crafted construction, time-honored tradition, and unparalleled enjoyment.
For a super premium cigar, incredible cigars with an expresso-like finish, the Liga Privada cigars offer a smooth, satisfying experience. A must have!
Punch cigars have a reputation for being straightforward fuller-bodied smokes. As one of the most iconic names in the world of cigars, Punch Cigars' original blend tends to be on the full-bodied side, which makes it the ultimate smoking experience for seasoned smokers and aficionados.
Rocky Patel Premium Cigars are the worlds greatest cigars. Rocky Patel's goal has always been to create the very best cigars in offering the most rich tasting, complex, and highest quality cigars.
Diamond Crown cigars are an elusive super premium cigar that utilizes a special, "Connecticut Fermented Wrapper." Made to provide true luxury smoking, the cigar promises the discriminating cigar connoisseur a refined, relaxing experience that is as all-encompassing as it is enjoyable.
Among the variety of cigars, Churchill Cigar Club carries exclusive cigars not carried elsewhere. Come see our weekly selection!
Come with friends, enjoy your cigar, play your finest hand of poker, all while watching your favorite channel on our screen!
Don't just read about us, come on in and allow us to serve you!
Sunday - Thursday: 11:00 am - Midnight
Friday - Saturday: 11:00 am - Late
Happy Hour (Daily) 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm